Male-orientated profession? – We do not believe in labels!
Today, marks the “international day of the girl” – and indeed what would we do without our female professionals paving the way for many other women to start a career in a seemingly male-orientated field of profession? We, at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems, do not believe in labels. Our everyday experience shows that mixed teams perform better and achieve better results. Today, we talked to two of our apprentices about their training at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems.
Georgia Skaltsa and Silke Heinsohn are both apprentices in their third year at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems. Their apprenticeship consists of a basic metal training in the apprentice workshop, turning and welding courses, and working in various areas of production – as well as vocational training in blocks.
Why did you decide to start an apprenticeship at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems?
Silke Heinsohn: I chose this profession because I am interested in technology and ships and because I like to build things myself.
Georgia Skaltsa: I find the profession very interesting. I love tinkering and how you can make something completely new.
A day in the life
A typical day in the life of an apprentice at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems starts at 6 am – so fairly early. "My workday starts at 6:00 am with the morning round, where we discuss what tasks we'll be facing that day. Then we split up into teams and usually work on an assignment in pairs," Silke tells us. The tasks assigned to Georgia, Silke and their fellow apprentices depend on the department they are currently working at. This circular concept ensures apprentices to get to know a company thoroughly and helps to find the right team for their future position at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems.
Diversified tasks
“I really appreciate the different departments and variety of tasks in our training”, Georgia emphasizes. Silke expected a high-quality training going into her apprenticeship: I expected a good training program in which I would learn a lot as well as varied work that I would enjoy – and this turned out to be exactly the case “, she says contently. An apprenticeship at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems is ideal for young women and men who have an interest in technology and shipbuilding and want to start a career, where life-long learning and growth are not only expected but supported and shared in the mind-set throughout our teams. Silke continues by telling us about one of her biggest challenges of a very personal kind: Her fear of heights and how she was able to overcome it during her time at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems.
Overcoming fear of heights
During work on constructions sites Silke soon had to face situations in which working in heights was necessary. “The only thing standing in the way was my fear of heights.”, she remembers. “I look back fondly on the encouragement of my colleagues to overcome my fear without pressuring me.” Each time she pushed herself to face her fear of heights it became a little bit less. Today, Silke can proudly say, that facing your fears, can help to rid yourself of them. We are all extremely proud of her for that.
“The team-spirit I have experienced is definitely part of why I can recommend thyssenkrupp Marine Systems whole-heartedly to anyone who is interested in starting their apprenticeship here.”, Silke says “If you like to build things, expand your horizon as well as skill set, you will fit in very well at our teams.”, Georgia adds for young people interested in a career at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems.
You are interested?
If you are interested in an apprenticeship at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems? Then take a look at our current vacancies on our career site.