Why diversity drives us forward in a globalized world
As thyssenkrupp Marine Systems it is our goal to become the most modern naval company in Europe – which includes a modern and inclusive corporate culture. We believe that diversity is not an add-on but a necessity in how we communicate with each other and the example we set as a company. We talked to Inga Wachtmann, HR Change Manager at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems, about her everyday work as an advocate for diversity.
More than just buzzwords
When it comes to diversity and inclusion, Inga Wachtman lets us know, thyssenkrupp Marine System is relying on a holistic approach: “For us diversity is not just a buzzword: On the one hand, we make sure, each of our employees is treated equally, correctly and fairly. On the other hand, we deliver the message loud and clear that diversity is a sign of the times in a globalized world and necessary for maintaining our cutting edge and competitiveness as a company. Having a closed-off attitude and mindset is therefore not serving anybody and rather damaging to corporate cultures as well as economic success.”
Working as a Change Manager for Diversity
As an advocate for change and diversity it is Inga Wachtmann’s job to put this holistic approach into action. This means reviewing cultural and operational HR processes with diversity and inclusion in mind. “My tasks include supporting the management in questions of the strategic orientation of diversity and ensuring the implementation of concrete projects”, Inga tells us.
Inga Wachtmann, HR Change Manager, grew up in a diverse family and brings her holistic approach to inclusion and diversity to thyssenkrupp Marine Systems to build a successful and welcoming corporate culture.
The first woman wearing trousers in German Federal Parliament
In the 70s, it was Inga’s grandmother, who entered the German Bundestag (Federal Parliament) wearing trousers as a woman – that was a first! But the diversity expert not only grew up in a family of female trailblazers for women’s rights. Inga Wachtmann’s family has international roots, many different religious backgrounds as well as family members, who are part of the LGBTQIA community.
Diversity as a career choice
“I’m convinced that my family background had in impact on my choice in my professional direction”, the expert admits. Inga Wachtmann has a degree in education and has completed several additional systemic training courses while working.
“I gained my first practical experience in the social sector with disabled children and severely addicted people. In my late 20s, I switched to business and worked in the field of human resources and organizational development, both as a permanent employee and as a freelancer. So, working with people has always been at the center of my life and is what keeps me excited, motivated, and learning every day”, the HR Change Manager shares about her career path with us.
What does diversity mean to you, personally?
Inga Wachtmann gives us an incredible insight into her thoughts on diversity – which let us know immediately, why she is the right person for the job of fostering inclusion at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems: “To me, diversity simply means being human! Because every single human being is a colorful potpourri of diversity dimensions: we are all at some age, are healthy or live with health impairments, assign ourselves to a gender or not, have heterosexual or homosexual partnerships, are religious or not, maintain different world views and have roots in different countries.”
We, at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems, are proud to have employees and simply great people, such as Inga Wachtmann, on board, who drive our company forward: Culturally and economically. We want to take the #PrideMonth of June in 2022 as an opportunity to remind everyone that, we stand for diversity and inclusion. But not only on special occasions. We aim to lead by example every single day – for a more inclusive world and work environment, in which everyone feels safe and welcome.